Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Post #2

Cultural Hermes

Hermes is mentioned in many different places because he's kind of a popular dude. For example:
  • Hermes has a fashion line dedicated to him, mainly because one of Hermes's symbols is a little prada purse. 

  • The next cultural reference towards Hermes is in Rick Riordan's mythological fantasy book series Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Since these books are very accurate and about Greek/Roman mythology, Hermes is mentioned multiple times. Also, in the second book's movie adaptation (which was nothing like the book, and thinking about it makes me hostile) of Sea of Monsters, Hermes plays an important role of supreme FedEx king or the likes of it. 
  • The last but not least, there is a rad sculpture of Hermes and Apollo in The British Museum, with his cute little sandals, and caduceus.
  • This is no longer needed, but there was also a place of worship, almost a shrine to Hermes, which was also, coincidentally, his birthplace. Mount Cilene, is located in Arcadia.
Links: https://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/highlights/highlight_objects/gr/m/marble_statue_of_hermes.aspx


  1. I really like how you Incorporated some fashion into your blog, it makes me happy

  2. That is so interesting that he has his own fashion line dedicated to him.
